Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The antiquity of Hyderabad, its rich historic past leads one to redefine one’s priorities with regard to religion. The greatest symbol of secularism in the city is perhaps the aestheticism of the statue of Lord Buddha amidst the Hussein Sagar. One wonders why people spoil the unity and integrity of such a vibrant culture. Should we still not adopt religion as a way of life?

The basis of human unity is the fundamental principle that man is the only godhead to be worshipped- all other identities that of nation, state, religious sect is artificial and man made. One of the global concerns today is religious fanaticism brought about by a distortion of history. India’s secularism is a religious duty interwoven into our daily life pattern. Man must be sacred to man regardless of any religious creed. This principal belief disqualifies any religious and political doctrine that denies the service and progress of the human spirit. The enemy of humanity is the human egoism that finds brutal expression in religious fanaticism. It is time to question ourselves as to whether we have truly achieved these aims or should we be satisfied with an artificial society. These ideals can only be achieved by the power of brotherhood of man – it is found in the human soul. We have to come out of our egoistic existence and reach out to our fellow beings. Only then shall we relive our glorious past, that of universal love and tolerance. The way to do this is by reorganizing our society on three cardinal principles of the Renaissance and the Age of Reason- liberty, equality and fraternity. Let us follow the path shown to us by Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi – the propagation and practice of universal brotherhood.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Proud Moment for India

A Proud Moment for India Freinds let us celebrate the proud moment for all Indians.It was wonderful to see young Abhinav Bindra standing proud on the victory stand and our National Anthem being played in the Olympic stadium. The Indian Flag rose above the other flags signifying India's rise once more to greatness. Let us also celebrate Vijendra Kumar & Saina Nehal's success. Number of medals might be one phir bhi dil hai Hindustani.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Theory of survival of the fittest

Freinds do we still accept Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest?We need to perhaps redefine the concept of fittest. Does it only mean physical fitness or does it add an intellectual quotient to it? Let us look at one of the most successful people of all times- Stephen Hawkins.Professor Hawkins has challenged the theory of survival of the fittest.If we still wish to go ahead with the Darwinian theory we would perhaps develop the Hitlerian mentally and we have seen the complete failure of his theory .

Science has conquered the challenges of the human environment.Man's challenge today are no longer confined to his physical surroundings.The Modern Man survives if he/she is able meet the challenges of a global society through mastery of the principle of coexistence.

In order to develop mastery of the principle of coexistence we need to understand the concept of Internationalism.Internationalism is a state of mind which goes towards developing peace and mutual understanding not through ''tolerance'' but through mutual acceptances of differences and making these differences or diversities a part and parcel of everyday life. ''Tolerance'' would simply mean ''tolerating'' and might not mean ''accepting.''

The menace created by religious intolerance can only be handled and perhaps even eliminated if each of us consider ourselves as world citizens and therefor understand that every community is my community , there is no conflict but only diversity to add richness to a world community.Do we not unconsciously, spontaneously adopt customs and traditions of another community? Let us do it consciously so that we unerstand, appreciate and practise internationalism.

Koel Ray

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